Dr Abdullah Meshni : Digital Guru

Dr. Abdullah is a renowned digital dentist with a strong background in dental workflow and digital 3D printing. Recently, he has delved into the development of AI models with thakaamed for future applications. With a deep understanding of hardware, Dr. Abdullah is at the forefront of dental AI research and product innovation. He pays close attention to the needs of dentists, crafting solutions that are not only dentist-driven but also fueled by a deep passion for technology.

Don't miss out on Dr. Abdullah's Intro Course

Secure one of the exclusive 50 openings to master going fully digital, now enhanced with A.I. technology.

As a pioneering figure in digital dentistry, Dr. Abdullah, who has contributed to multiple A.I. research projects, is now sharing his expansive knowledge. He utilizes ThakaaMed technology to revolutionize the field for the better.