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A.I. built for HL7-FHIR | HIPPA | GDPR

As a young A.I. first company we take compliance very serious during disrupting times.

Leaders. Disrputors. Vision

Get ready to explore a digital health care toolset designed to harness the power of A.I. image detection, screening, data interpretation, generative A.I., and automated reporting, among other innovative features. We are laying the groundwork for personalized healthcare in real time.

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Modular | Scalable | HL7


HL7-FHIR Compliant

With an experienced team of HL7 engineers and our own messaging engine, we welcome any HIS system to integrate using our state-of-the art data brokerage API and start integrating in to there systems.


A.I. Driven features

With no disruption to existing workflows, only addons, infused for new ways to run your health business, or delive care. Quality control, the only limit is how much A.I. do you want to use.

On prem

Privacy First

Our A.I. suite seamlessly integrates with minor updates to your current on-prem and cloud setups, ensured by our expert engineers who optimize migration and integration.



All our tools can be integrated to fit the needs fo the physician, dentist, clinic, institution or hospital.

Our A.I. suite

ThakaaMed literature